Raziel Reid

When Everything Feels Like the Movies

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Everyone wanted to break me. But stars aren't broken, they explode. And I was the ultimate supernova.
My name was Jude. They called me Judy. I was beautiful either way.
School was basically a movie set. We were all just playing our parts. The Crew, the Extras, the Movie Stars. No one was ever real... especially me. I didn't fit any category.
All the girls watched me - I could walk so much better than them in heels, and my make-up was always flawless.
All the boys wanted to, well, you know... even if they didn't admit it.
They loved me, they hated me, but they could never ignore me.
I only had eyes for Luke. A red carpet rolled out from my heart towards him and this year, on Valentine'sDay, I was going to walk that carpet and find my mark next to him. It would be like a dream.
But my dream was going to turn into a nightmare.
This is my story.

Jude is a gay teen who fantasises about being a movie star. Jude (known as Judy by some classmates) is fairly comfortable with his sexual orientation as well as his desire to wear his mother’s beautiful dresses and makeup. In order to deal with the homophobia he confronts at school and home, Jude slips into his fantastical life as a movie star constantly tortured by paparazzi. This is his story...

Winner − Governor General’s Literary Award (Canada) 2014

Author: Raziel Reid

Paperback, 163 pages, Orig. Publ. 2014, This Edition Publ. August 2016

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