Valerie Taylor

Whisper Their Love (Little Sister's Classics Series)

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Joyce is eighteen, a freshman at a fashionable school for girls; suddenly all that matters to her is a woman twice her age. This beautifully written pulp novel was published as a mass market paperback in 1957 and is widely considered a historic milestone for its openly lesbian, feminist content, which shocked many readers at the time. It has been described as an "anti-romance novel" for its grounding in the reality of lesbian experience. Whisper Their Love was the first lesbian novel by Valerie Taylor, which she wrote while raising her three sons; it sold an amazing two million copies. This new edition, which brings this classic book back into print, includes an appendix of historical materials about the book and author, as well as an introduction by Barbara Grier, co-founder of the legendary lesbian publisher Naiad Press. Little Sister's Classics is an imprint dedicated to reviving lost and out-of-print gay and lesbian classic books.

Paperback, 260 pages, orig. published 1957, this edition 2006

Author: Valerie Taylor

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