Lance Reynald

Pop Salvation

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For sensitive teenager Caleb Watson, Andy Warhol is the end-all of icons: intelligent, perceptive, and, most importantly, in possession of an enactable philosophy. So it's nearly inevitable when Caleb changes his appearance to look like his idol, and begins recruiting his friends to participate in his own high-school version of Warhol's Factory, taking artistic nude photos of one another and making long, observational documentary films with descriptive titles like Blow Job and Drugs. Foremost among Caleb's “superstars” is Aaron, a beautiful and sensitive boy who is Caleb's partner in gay exploration; Sonia, his own personal Edie Sedgwick; and Brit, a young Marilyn look-alike and Rocky Horror' aficionado who is really a runaway boy. This coming out tale set in glam 80's Britain will move and amuse.

Paperback, 272 Pages, published 2009

Author: Lance Reynald

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